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50% non-refundable deposit at time of reservation. The remaining balance is due two weeks prior to the date of the event. Orders placed within the two week time period prior to the event must be paid in full at the time of reservation. Any cancellations or deletions from your reservation must be made two weeks prior to the event date.



Delivery and pick up may be available upon request and requires a minimum $250 rental order (excluding damage waiver, delivery and taxes.) The round-trip delivery fee is based on location and starts at $150.00 during normal business hours. Additional charges may apply if a specific time window is requested and can be accommodated. Delivery is to ground floor level, backyard or tent, within 50ft of commercial truck access. Our delivery personnel will neatly unload and stack all items. Upon pickup, all items should be repacked in the containers provided. Tables and chairs should be stacked in the same manner as delivered. Fees will be charged for unstacked items.



An additional tent setup fee (equal to 25% of tent rental price) will be charged on all tents. Delivery is required on all tents. Setup fees are $4.50 inside / $5.75 outside per table (does not include linens) and $3.50 inside / $4.75 outside per chair. Take-down fees are included in setup fees. The set up and take down services must be requested in advance of delivery and is subject to schedule and labor availability. A site plan must be submitted prior to the delivery date. It is important that we have a an onsite point of contact for the day of the event.




Unless you have arranged, in advance of your event, for full set up and take down services all tables and chairs must be folded down and restacked in provided carts or pallets prior to crew arrival for pickup. Items should be returned to the same drop off location as where delivered by our staff. Additional fees will be incurred for items not properly stacked or returned to drop location.


All items should be rinsed clean and repacked in provided racks and crates. Additional cleaning fees of $0.25 per item for stemware, flatware and china and additional fees for prep & serve catering products and equipment when not returned in this condition.


Linens should be shaken and dry and returned in provided linen bags. Linens should never be placed in plastic bags, to avoid damage due to mold or mildew. All linens that are lost, torn, burned, or excessively soiled are subject to a replacement fee. Replacement fees will be charged for linen bags, dish racks and crates that are not returned.



Deliveries and pick ups that are made outside of normal business hours will include an additional surcharge. Weekend and off-hours delivery/pick up fees are in addition to the standard delivery fees. Our normal business hours are Monday through Friday from 8am – 5pm. Our showroom hours are Monday through Friday from 8:30am – 4:30pm.

Contact TCS Event Rentals Today